Abbey Lauren Wilson

Manhunt for Abbey Wilson: Six Warrants for Her Arrest – Kidnapping Charges in Mexico
Abbey Wilson is a wanted fugitive by the Mexican government. They are actively seeking her arrest for six outstanding arrest warrants, Including stealing, and robbing a company in Mexico, and laundering the money through Kirkpatrick Bank in Oklahoma City kidnapping 2 children that she has no custodial rights to, and crossing them against a court order into the United States, making up false domestic abuse allegations, making up false allegations of rape and child molestation against her daughters husband in which at that time her six-year-old daughters had to be vaginally examined as a procedural order of the court by government Mexican male police doctors. Essentially raping them. All of her allegations were proven false. She was able to post bail and then crossed over a land border in McAllen Texas, and has been hiding as a fugitive in Oklahoma city.
A judge in Mexico wants Wilson in prison for kidnapping Joe Francis’ two minor children. Wilson has fled from Mexico to the United States, where a petition for registration and enforcement of foreign child-custody determination from the state of Jalisco was filed in the district court of Oklahoma on October 26, 2022.
On August 18, a judge in Mexico demanded that Wilson appear for a private hearing where the opinion of the minors would be heard. That was supposed to happen on November 7, but Wilson is nowhere to be found.
Francis is fighting to get his kids back from Wilson- who stole large sums of money from him. Wilson, who has kidnapped the children and refuses court order, is putting the kids at risk with shady associations and nefarious behavior.
Abbey Wilson was able to illegally cross over a land border in McAllen Texas to the United States on March 25, 2022 as a fugitive from the Mexican Government immediately after posting bail for her 3rd arrest in Mexico and in direct violation of her bail conditions, set by the Federal Criminal court in Nayarit, Mexico on March 24, 2022 and other family court orders that prevented her from removing Francis‘s children from the state of Jalisco, Mexico.
Abbey Wilson now a fugitive, kidnapped both of Francis‘s then 7 year old children to the United States, a foreign country for both Mexican, born children, by hiding in a trunk of a car in McAllen Texas with the children, tied up and bound and mouths gaged in the trunk of a car that was driven and owned by Guadalajara, Mexican businessman Mauricio Tinajero. Mr. TINAJERO is now also a wanted fugitive and actively being sought for immediate arrest by both United States and Mexican authorities for child kidnapping, harboring a fugitive, as well as child abuse, child endangerment, human trafficking, and federal minor trafficking. Mr. TINAJERO’s United States visa has been revoked according to United States authorities.
One of her warrants is for criminal breach of trust, which is an imprisonable offense. If you or someone you know has seen Abbey Wilson, please get in touch with the authorities.
Child Custody Order Athena and Alexandria Francis
Athena Francis Kidnapped
Alexandria Francis Kidnapped
Abbey Wilson, Joe Francis’s former girlfriend, who he had two daughters with and an 9 year relationship calls Joe Francis at home at 2am morning and has ranting, crazy, drug fuled psychotic conversations.
Even though Abbey Wilson claims in these court filings in Oklahoma that Joe Francis molested his daughters IN THE STATE OR OKLAHOMA UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, an impossibility, because Joe Francis has “NEVER BEEN” TO THE STAT OF OKLAHOMA in the past 10 years and his daughters were 5 years old. The last time he saw them) as she tried to also say 2 years ago in Mexico and lie about In Mexico as well, and was sentenced to jail when the police reported back to the judge that NO SEXUAL ABUSE HAD happened at all. Abbey Wilson was taken away in handcuffs for 36 hours and Thrown in jail because Athena and Alexandria were raped at the hands of their mother at 6 years old with her lies.
While all the time disobeying, Joe Francis’s his legal custodial rights to his children, and not letting them speak to their father in over 3 years. Even though he is the sole for custodial parent of both of his daughters. Abbey Wilson has moved these poor children, Athena and Alexandria Francis 30 separate times in the past three years in order to not let Francis see his kids.
June 21, 2023
Joe Francis Wins 100% Sole Custody After Explosive 3 Year Court Battle
(Please click on this link to read the full and final custody order in English PDF and Spanish PDF)
A Judge has awarded Joe Francis 100% Final and Sole Custody of his Twin Daughters Athena Olivia Francis and Alexandria Claire Francis after a 3 Year Court Battle
MEXICO CITY, April 28, 2023 (Newswire) – Joe Francis Awarded 100% Sole Custody of Twin Daughters Athena Olivia Francis Wilson and Alexandria Claire Francis Wilson
Mexico City, Mexico – After an explosive three-year custody court battle with his ex-girlfriend Abbey Wilson, a Mexican Supreme Court appointed Judge has awarded 100% sole custody to Joe Francis of his twin Mexican born and raised 8-year-old daughters Athena Olivia Francis and Alexandria Claire Francis after a 3 year court battle that both parents participated in. The court order cites Wilson’s physical and emotional abuse of both girls, her drug use in front of them, her failure to follow court orders including taking the children out of the state and country in violation of the court orders that prohibited both parents to do so and Abbey Wilson moving Francis’s children illegally 27 times in the past 3 years to avoid Francis’s rightful custody and the authority’s enforcement of the court orders.
“This has been a long and difficult battle, but I am relieved that justice has finally been served,” said Francis. “I love my daughters very much and I have fought for them every day for the past 3 years since their mother first kidnapped them out of their cribs in the middle of the night at 5 years old. Imagine when I woke up July 1, 2020, my daughters were gone forever. My daughters have been through so much child abuse by their mother Abbey Wilson. Unfortunately, their mother has been medically diagnosed with bipolar disorder, bulimia, anorexia, and depression which has led to extensive drug abuse in front of my children, and I am committed to providing them with a stable, loving home for their childhood which was selfishly taken away by their mother 3 years ago.”
According to court documents, Wilson has a history of substance abuse and has been in and out of rehab and locked up mental institutions several times. She has also been accused of physically and emotionally abusing both of her daughters and violently physically abusing Francis, and of exposing her daughters to dangerous situations. The court documents also detail other reasons like Abbey Wilson’s prior arrests for Felony Grand Larceny for robbing a home in Los Angeles in for $250,000 USD as well as her 3 suicide attempts for granting Joe Francis Sole Custody of his daughters.
(Please click on this link to read the full and final custody order in English PDF and Spanish PDF)
“I am grateful to the rightful Mexican court for recognizing the truth and putting the well-being of my daughters first,” Francis continued. “I will do everything in my power to ensure that they are safe, happy, and loved.” “I am also very sad that the legal system that is supposed to be designed to protect the children and do what’s best for them has utterly failed them.” Francis added, “I have not spoken or seen either of my 2 daughters in over 3 years because of their mentally ill and abusive mother Abbey Wilson. The system has utterly failed them and a corrupt and child abusing, child molesting Judge, Elizabeth H. Kerr in Oklahoma refused to follow the statuary UCCJEA LAW in the state of Oklahoma (link to Oklahoma UCCJEA PDF), which protects minors from this type of mental, physical, and sexual abuse. Judge Elizabeth H. Kerr in Oklahoma believes she is above the law and allowed Abbey Wilson to hide from court orders, multiple arrest warrants and custody orders in another sister state and ABUSED MY DAUGHTERS and she will pay for it.”
Judicial complaints and criminal charges for child abuse and the sexual abuse of minors have already been filed multiple times against Judge Elizabeth H. Kerr in Oklahoma not only in Francis’s case, but Judge, Elizabeth H. Kerr in Oklahoma in the past has been ACCUSED of molesting and sexually abusing at least 12 other minors as young as 5 and 6 years old, both little boys and little girls in the state of Oklahoma where she still sits as a family Judge. (Link to ElizabethHKerr.com)
As soon as Abbey Wilson was legally served the final custody order in Mr. Francis’s favor, she again kidnapped both of Mr. Francis’s daughters to Oklahoma in the United States where her parents are from. Abbey Wilson currently is a Wanted fugitive of the Mexican government and has 8 arrest warrants currently active in Mexico for Child Abuse, Child Kidnapping, Child Sexual Abuse, Family Violence, Minor Subtraction and Abbey Wilson is also wanted for an unrelated fraud charge for stealing millions of dollars from a Mexican company. Interpol has issued their highest RED NOTICE for Abbey Wilson’s immediate apprehension and the safe return of Francis’s daughters to Mexico.
(Link to Abbey Wilson Arrest Warrants – English translation and Spanish original)
Francis, the founder of Girls Gone Wild, is a successful entrepreneur, celebrity, and philanthropist. He has been involved in numerous charitable organizations, including the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Muscular Dystrophy Association as well as many other philanthropic endeavors.
Francis is represented by Alberto Martinez of De Leon, Cordero & Martinez
Email: [email protected]
For media inquiries please contact Alberto Martinez at [email protected]